I-ENG-A of Nebraska, A Division of REGA Engineering Group, Inc. members gather the facts of a claim and present them accurately in a standard report format that helps to provide insurance companies with the most efficient way to arrive at a fair and justified settlement. Experienced adjusters often have the knowledge and expertise to determine the cause of a loss without third party assistance, but suspicions may lurk in the minds of claimants, which could result in accusations of collusion and ultimately unnecessary litigation.
I-ENG-A of Nebraska, A Division of REGA Engineering Group, Inc. provides the hands on expertise of a Professional Engineer, and/or highly experienced specialist technician, with litigation experience, to examine the facts and provide an independent and justified professional opinion concerning the claim. Prior to arriving at the scene, I-ENG-A of Nebraska works to understand the circumstances of the claim so that we are prepared to discern the relevant evidence from the irrelevant when the investigation ensues. In house expertise, and access to resources and expertise of nearly every discipline imaginable, allows I-ENG-A of Nebraska to provide a proven cost effective approach to claims investigation. I-ENG-A of Nebraska uses communication and information technology, as necessary, to discuss claims issues with Association experts across the country, which allows us to provide expert opinions while minimizing expert mobilization and travel costs, saving our clients money.
Representing your property and casualty company with the facts of a claim gives you the best opportunity to understand and protect your position. Your claims settlement is justified and substantiated when you work with a member firm of the INVESTIGATIVE ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION (I-ENG-A). |